Selected Recent Works
All photos shot in Washington DC unless otherwise specified.
All Photos ©2007, 2008, 2009 Kelly Perl
*Shown in juried exhibition
**Shown at Artomatic 2009
A Place Once Very Near Here** (2008)
Approximately 20"w x 12"h framed - $200
This building was across the street from Nationals Park.
It has since been claimed by development.
Art Deco Edge* (2008)
Approximately 8"w x 22"h framed - $200
Juxtaposes 1930s original and 2000s retrofit construction.
Note the trademark shading. (Shot in Silver Spring, MD)
Cube** (2008)
Approximately 12"w x 18"h framed - $200
Shows old and new architectural styles in downtown DC, something we are seeing more of in the building boom. Until about 10 years ago it was underutilized buildings from the 1890s to 1930s.
Everywhere You Look** (2009)
Approximately 23"w x 20"h framed - $300
Another day in building mad DC. The red crane makes the shot.
Foreclosed Porch* (2008)
Approximately 25"w x 18"h framed - $250
My first successful field composition, where all objects within the field are the subject rather than a particular object within the frame. I like the balance of blue, green, & red, and the tension between the house and the red Corvette. Everything else is essential--the rusty chain link fence the white house in the background, the garage, the privacy fence, even the recycling can. The porch was completed a month or two after this shot, but the house appears to have been foreclosed upon or short sold not long after porch completion.
Honey, I'm Home** (2008)
Approximately 16"w x 15"h - $200
Medium format film work; a shot at my favorite practice garage featuring a chain link gate, a garage, and considerable vegetation.
Looking Backward** (2009)
Approximately 13.5"w x17"h framed - $200
Almost a field composition of verticals, but the Art Deco building formerly known as the Woodward & Lathrop warehouse dominates so it's not really a field composition. Very close to where I shot Everywhere You Look. Photoshop used to straighten out the building.
Steps from Metro** (2009)
Approximately 20"w x 9"h framed - $200
A field composition of horizontals: the form is more important than the details. Shot from about 100 yards away and heavily cropped.
Older Works of Note
New Wave Riggs Park* (2007)
Approximately 20"w x 12"h framed - $150
New v. Old in Riggs Park, in Northeast DC The new houses in background are right by the Fort Totten Metro station. This scene had bugged me for months. What was key was getting enough houses on the right side to illustrate repetition. Even more important was the utility pole. I couldn't get rid of it and get my shot. It anchors the shot and is a nice counterpoint to the (deliberate) lens flare.
Hesitation to Turn* (2007)
Approximately 16"w x 12"h framed - $150
Won Honorable Mention in the Capitol Hill Art League juried show for November 2007. It looked better upside down, and I presented it that way. However, I felt ambivalent doing so, hence the title.
A Woman's Work is Never Done* (2007)
11"w x 14"h framed - $150
Not with this clothesline, it ain't!!! Shot in the beginning of the drought of summer 2007, in June. I used Photoshop to darken the sky and get what little green there was out of the grass.